Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sugar Rush ~ The Hunt Path

The 2016 Sugar Rush Hunt starts at Vicarious Youth and each hunt prim has a landmark inside to the next store on the hunt path. If you get stuck along the way, just come back to the blog and click on a Store Number for a SLURL to the next store! 

You may also want to join the official hunt helper group by following these instructions in world: Join the Sparkles & Giggles Hunt Group! - Open your Local Chat Window, copy/paste and click on the following link to join: secondlife:///app/group/60f83090-c49b-6a03-69fc-e50d67f07a9a/about

Please Note - Vendors ARE allowed to use decoys, rename their hunt objects and place objects where you have to cam to find them! This hunt begins February 1st and runs through February 29th.

Store #01 SLURL Hint: Oh deer, this candy is sweet!

Store #02 SLURL Hint: Hurry, hurry drive the firetruck!

Store #03 SLURL (no prize yet) Hint:

Store #04 SLURL Hint: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the sweetest of them all?

Store #05 SLURL Hint:

Store #06 SLURL Hint: Are you feeling advent - urous?  Dig through the house to see what you can find!

Store #07 SLURL Hint: Maybe someone dropped this after their letter got called?

Store #08 SLURL Hint: Is it a vase or an urn?

Store #09 SLURL Hint: I C Gacha's

Store #10 SLURL Hint:  I am cute!!!

Store #11 SLURL Hint: Je adore la douceur de vivre (I Love the Sweet Life!!)

Store #12 SLURL Hint: Magical playhouse or shop

Store #13 SLURL Hint: a picture is worth a thousand words

Store #14 SLURL Hint: Bee mine!

Store #15 SLURL Hint: I snore when I am relaxed I am ?

Store #16 SLURL Hint: Even if the tops are wavy I am the base and solid as a rock.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sugar Rush ~ The Prizes

These are just some of the prizes you'll find along the hunt path!