The 2018 Happy HalloTween Hunt starts at Vicarious Youth.
Each hunt prim (a jack o' lantern with a ribbon) has a landmark inside to the next store on the hunt path.
If you get stuck along the way, just come back to the blog and click on a Store Number for a SLURL to the next store!
This hunt is sponsored by Big Dreams for Big Kids! You can join the group by following these instructions in world: Open your Local Chat Window, copy/paste and click on the following link to join: secondlife:///app/group/c159f6b3-fd81-b10d-f814-1bee9f08e130/about
Please Note - Designers ARE allowed to use decoys, rename their hunt objects, and place objects where you have to cam to find them!
This hunt begins at noon SLT on October 1st and runs through October 31st.
Each item will cost 10L to receive. Designers should have ads posted near the hunt signs to show what the prize is so you know if you want to hunt for it.
Store #01 SLURL Hint: Looking for free stuff? Well, things are looking up!
Store #02 SLURL Hint: "Cheep Cheep"
Store #03 SLURL Hint: Even in the afterlife, birds of a feather flock together
Store #04 SLURL Hint: Add me to your Halloween hoard, find me hanging with some gourds
Store #05 SLURL Hint: Pumpkins big and small can be found in hay and leaves (all three prizes can be found with this hint)
Store #06 SLURL Hint: A pile of pumpkins must be the spot next to a puppy who plays quite a lot!
Store #07 SLURL Hint: Dogs say BARK, cats say MEOW! Happy Halloween
Store #08 SLURL Hint: I scare dust bunnies!
Store #09 SLURL Hint: Hanging out with the Ghost Busters
Store #10 SLURL Hint: I see a ghost and you?
Store #11 SLURL Hint: The heart of Halloween
Store #12 SLURL Hint: Mischievous eyes and a cute, wicked grin. Look for me here, surrounded by kin.
Store #13 SLURL Hint: When witches go riding, & black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers "Tis Near Halloween",
Store #14 SLURL Hint: The Tweenster Bunny loves to protect her pumpkin!
Store #15 SLURL Hint: No hint given - item is upstairs.
Store #16 SLURL Hint: Go Past the Couples Then after Family you will find Something Tween!
Store #17 SLURL Hint: They say the best way to hide is in plain sight...
Store #18 SLURL Hint: This store has 3 prims.
1- Trick or treat give me something good to eat!
2- OMGacha!
3- Up the stairs a reflection scared me, it was just a mirror!
Store #19 SLURL Hint: Gacha self a bandaid